

3 idiots (comedy, 2009)

Yesterday, I watched a famous comedy movie 3 idiots.

While picking it up to watch, I thought that 3 idiots come up in this movie and show many stupid things. But i totally missed my tip, this movie is the story about 3 young geniuses' impressive growth in their life. "This 3 idiots(geniuses) have a pain in the breast"

Parhan(left), Rancho(center), Laju(right)

They are students of  ICE(A professional engineering university in India, I think this university is a part of fiction) Parhan is a student who is interested in taking wildlife's photos and Rancho is an outstanding student who really loves engineering and machine. Laju is their best friend who suffer from the hardship of life.

During their school life, They experience many things that is thought to be social problems such as severe competition for getting jobs and good scores and mental stress & suicide resulted from above problems. I was sad and little bit surprised that they finally overcome trials and fears with a smile and trust in themselves. 

Actually, I couldn't stop laughing throughout the running time. it was so funny and cheerful. I was so impressed by their wits to get over many difficult problems. If you watch it, you'll found how much smart they are. (Rancho plays an active part brilliantly! so amazing)

I recommend this movie to  you all. You can be touched by 3 idiots so much!. 

1 comment:

  1. I recently learned that this movie did very well in South Korea. So, I browsed via Naver, and your blog was the only one in English.
    Good to know that you loved the movie. It is actually based upon a very popular book in India- 5 point someone, author Chetan Bhagat. Although, you got one thing wrong- one of the guys' name is Farhan, not Parhan!
    I must compliment you on the post- nicely written indeed. And yes, the university mentioned is fictional.


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