The ad calling
on the Japanese government to apologize for World War II sex slavery, which was
published in the New York
Kim, known as the “Dokdo guardian” for his role in promoting Korean sovereignty over the group of rocky islets in the East Sea, sponsored the ad while Seo took charge of the details. The two have printed several ads in foreign newspapers together. They placed the same “Do You Hear?” ad in the Wall Street Journal last December and the “Visit Korea” ad, about Dokdo and Ieodo, in the New York Times in February last year.
The New York Times’ publication of the latest ad is notable because there had been reports that the newspaper decided not to print Dokdo and comfort women-related ads anymore due to complaints from the Japanese Embassy.
“According to what I’ve found out through several sources, the New York Times never said that it would not print the Dokdo ad. Yomiuri’s report turned out to be false and the Japanese Embassy was only humiliated in public,” said Seo.
“A few days ago, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said that there is a big gap between what is being expressed about the ‘comfort women’ and the truth, and I am appalled. Hindering ads and making such reckless remarks only prove that Japan is not so clean about Dokdo and the military sex slave issue,” said Kim.
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